My farewells always include rain. It was Friday morning and I saw the sunrise. I opened my backpack and found the lighter Zoran had given me the night before –Stay you- It said. I smiled. My departure was imminent. It was drizzling and the streets were as empty as I had never seen them in Kumasi. Not even the waakye stands were ready to serve breakfast (Waakye is a traditional dish made with rice, beans and a spicy stew, simply delicious). I said proper good byes to my housemates and took my terribly large luggage once Ray arrived. The adventure was about to begin. Raymond and Agyemang, two friends and coworkers came with me to the Volta region. I had been told not to leave Ghana without visiting it. We took a long tro-tro ride into Peki. Ray and Agyemang had been telling me that they had never been in the Volta region or anywhere outside of Ghana. They were seeing mountains for the first time. Although only 1000m high, the mountains were embracing me again, just as they do when...