Colonization for Children, a story (titled coined by Kristen Wallis)
Once upon a time there were purple people. They were sovereign and had developed every system so their community was equitable. They had traditions that included sacrificing animals and people in the name of their goddess Pachamama. No disease was visible and although they died around their 50s, they had a plentiful life and understood the cycle.
Then came the yellow people. They had things that the purple people had never seen before. Through mesmerizing the purples, the yellows were able to subordinate them. The systems of the purples for sanitation and health, for passing their knowledge from generation to generation was oppressed. With time, some purples grew resentful and wanted what the yellow had. The yellows raped the purples and were diluted. The purple-yellows were called indigos. A lot of purples died because of all the diseases and abuse that the yellows brought. Indigos also suffered but survived. Indigos did not want to be under the yellows' power anymore so they started a revolution. The indigos took over and the few purples that survived were isolated. They became the 'poor' according to the indigos and yellows. Yellows still thought that the indigos were unworthy and treated all colors as inferiors.
The indigos emulated the yellows for centuries and marginalized the purples. As a result many purples left their communities to become more like the indigos and yellows. The purples struggled because they had lost much of their knowledge on how to care for land and resources but with time they were able to recover many of those systems.
Some indigos started realizing that the purples were some of the wealthiest in wisdom and decided to start listening to them and learning. Other indigos only wanted to be yellow. Very few were happy as indigos but still did as the indigos following the yellows would do.
Since the indigos had also oppressed the purple, one day the yellows felt pity for the purples and decided to help them against the indigos.
A lot of purples were dedicated to get food and water, take care of animals and build their shelters. One day the yellows started handing them money so that they could be "empowered". Some purples liked money and started asking for more. Other groups of purples disliked money because it brought fights to their communities. These groups warned the yellows not to come or they would shrink their heads. Some did not listen.
Some yellows decided to go into communities to tell them that how they were living was wrong, that they needed running water, toilets and jobs (with money involved). They told them that carrying water was a waste of time and offered 'solutions' that yellows had implemented seeing so much disease -the solutions were much like what the purples had had before the yellows came-.
Many of the purples saw that the yellows were unhappy with the recommendations they were making. Their children were alone and killing without understanding the reasons -many times it happened because the yellows wanted power over other colors-. Moreover,the yellows did not have a good relationship with Pachamama. Some purples, seeing this, rejected the yellows' solutions. They would simply smile at the yellows, may be share if the yellows were willing to listen and then let them leave.
The yellows felt good because they thought they were helping the 'poor people'.
Some indigos that were mixed among the yellows saw what the yellows meant by the idea of helping people and decided it was their role to work that way too, so that they can be more like the yellows.
Other indigos with power respected the purples and seeing what the yellows were doing, a governmental bridge was created so that the purples could be sovereign. The yellows thought that the indigos were being evil by doing this. Some indigos even started to pretend to be purple so that they could utilize the yellows to get money -most yellows did not notice-.
Many indigos then started disliking their yellow side and wished they could be more like the purples, but there was no way back.
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